Spring is finally here in Arkansas! The weather has been amazing the last week or so. I've been trying my best to get all of the many things that need to be done on our little homestead in preparation for spring, while also patiently awaiting the arrival of baby #4. She's due any day now! So far I've managed to weed the flower beds, plant a ton of irises and daffodils to brighten up our yard, gotten seedlings for the garden and herb garden started, and gone into crazy nesting mode on the housework. I still need to work on garden preparations, getting our chicken house ready for chicks, finishing up our flower beds so that they're ready for my culinary herb transplants, and so much more. Despite there being so much to do, being 9 months pregnant has definitely slowed me down more than I like. However, it's also been teaching me to take things slow, to enjoy the spring season, and to simply sit back and watch as my other three children play an...
Living the simple life with a Latin twist